Reading is supposed to be enjoyable, nourishing, and beneficiary for everyone. Is it possible that school is taking that away? Sometimes, books being assigned for classes can make the book seem like pure work, taking away any possible enjoyment. The pushing of the analytical aspect of the understanding of the book takes away the point of understanding the book your way. Instead of relieving stress, reading for classes is adding on stress.
The thought of another book becomes more and more dreaded. So many assignments for one book becomes overwhelming, let alone the total amount of assignments. Class books, books for home, essays, projects... it all becomes too much. More and more classes are making their class seem like the higher priority and not caring about the amount of work other classes give. The great amount of stress this causes creates less will and ambition from the students.
Students become so overwhelmed that they start to give up. Those typical late-night crams and sleepless nights are slowly disappearing. In place of those, students are just not caring anymore. They figure they might as well do the simpler assignments, not worry about stressing themselves out and just call it a night. Test scores are dropping making grades are slipping, Too much homework assignments are hurting the students.
Students become so overwhelmed that they start to give up. Those typical late-night crams and sleepless nights are slowly disappearing. In place of those, students are just not caring anymore. They figure they might as well do the simpler assignments, not worry about stressing themselves out and just call it a night. Test scores are dropping making grades are slipping, Too much homework assignments are hurting the students.
I completely agree with you. Over the course of my high school experience i have notice a steep incline of assignments given at one time. Even though it is important to challenge students as they get older it is also important to give them time. If students feel as though there is just to much to do they tend to just give up on the more time consuming things such as reading. allowing students to have more time is such a good idea but teachers and the board of education will probably not allow this change especially for kids in high school. The only perk that helps kids complete their assignments at hand is if they are interested so instead of having them read boring books they either wont remember or wont read the teachers did a great thing by having a program where the students pick the novel they are interested in. Being interested might be the one thing that can make a difference in whether kids continue to do their work even though they are stressed.